Day 13: Kind
Day 13: Kind
Day 13: Kind
Pre-release Price:

Day 13: Kind

Regular price $59.46

Day 13: Kind

Let's be kind. When I see people promoting or believing in conspiracy theories, I remember my own parents, who regularly sat us kids down to indoctrinate us with material from the John Birch Society. It was fearful conspiracy stuff, and they sincerely believed it all. 

If my parents were here now, they might easily believe in some of today's conspiracy theories. So how would I treat them? I hope kindly. I hope I would be patient with their fears. I hope I'd try reasoning.

Some of the ideas people believe in are bonkers. But the people are more important. Let's be kind.


Pieces in my First 100 Days series are priced as the day number plus .46 to celebrate our 46th president. This piece was pre-purchased for an additional $46, which I will donate to the ACLU. To receive email about pre-purchasing, please sign up to receive my newsletter. 

6 x 6 inch collage on 1/8 inch thick wood.
Command Strip on the back allows damage-free hanging.
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